Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Name

So, I've wanted to start a blog for few years, but didn't think I would have the time to devote- now I'm thinking I don't need to devote much time as I try very hard to be to the point-and I want to show off my Pintrest projects!!

I was praying about the name of the blog and decided on "for such a time as this" from the book of Esther-Esther 4:14 to be exact.  In context, Mordecai, Esther's uncle, is trying to persuade her to go to the king and ask for the salvation of the Jews.  Esther was scared and Mordecai tells her that she may have been chosen Queen for the purpose of helping the Jews in their calamity. 

I think about this verse and this phrase when I think about life-we are so eager to move on to the next phase of life-when we are younger, we wish to be older; in high school we can't wait to be in college; in college we long to get married and get a "real" job; not very long after getting married we decide to have kids; then we wait for kids to walk, talk, start school...  I think about this verse because we tend to want and wait to do big things, but then I think God has me where he wants me-for such a time as this.  Andy and I don't have kids yet, but we have nephews we love dearly and don't call often enough-we have family we definitely don't see enough and the Lord has put us in charge of (as of right now) 6 boys that we cherish!  Our mind is to be set on this time and what the Lord calls us to do today-we may be here, now to help bring Jesus' love to someone quite near us!!

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